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Less Pain, Irritability and Better Sleep

"I am less stressed and have definitely noticed I am not sick as often as before. Now the pain in my knees, ankles, hip, back, and the tendonitis in my wrist is virtually gone.  I sleep better because the pain isn't there which allows me to get up at a decent hour and have energy for the entire day.  I have been known to be irritable and even that has improved.  You brush your teeth daily, why wouldn't you tend to your joints regularly as well?"

-Samantha C.

Easy and Fast Labor!

"When I arrived at her office in labor, Dr. Anderson saw me right away (thanks to the family I bumped!), and she ever so gently adjusted me.  As I sat up after the adjustment, my waters broke with more of a slow gush vs. a big gush with fluid everywhere.  Then I went right home to call my midwife.  I was calm and feeling so empowered and ready to give birth.  I arrived home at 5:15 and started making the bed up with waterproof sheets.  My ever-calm husband paged the midwife.  While he was on the phone, I called to him "please help me take my pants off, I am pushing."  A few minutes later, the baby slithered into my husband's arms and cried out - what relief and joy permeated the room.  Within moments the midwife walked in, and we looked and saw that we had a baby girl.  We estimated her delivery at 5:47 pm, a mere hour and twenty minutes from the start of my labor.  I can highly recommend chiropractic care during your pregnancy and delivery.  Chiropractic care helps your body experience more readily the right position to be in for the best and most successful outcome, why not give yourself every opportunity to enjoy a natural process and empowering birth?"

-Mary M.

Migraine Headaches and Kidney Stones Improved

"The sessions supplied did wonders and really helped (my migraine headaches and kidney stones), especially on the pain management side.  You really helped my wife Audrey too, I know she is truly grateful.  Thank you,"

-Doug M.

 Infantile Colic

"Chiropractic care for infants was something I had many hesitations about using.  I wondered how anyone would let their infant be 'cracked'.  When I was unable to soothe and alleviate my infant son's obvious discomfort (unexplained crying, trouble nursing, grunting, and poor sleeping patterns), I felt desperate to help him.  After receiving many suggestions to try chiropractic care I decided to turn to Dr. Erin Anderson for help.  Dr. Anderson explained the procedures to my husband and myself and gently adjusted my 5-week old son with little more than her pinky finger.  In three adjustments, the difference in my son was obvious.  He stopped his unexplained crying, began feeding and passing gas with ease, and slept longer.  I am extremely grateful that I put my misconceptions to rest and made the right choice for my baby."

-Kathryn L.

Less Back Pain, Neck Pain, and better function overall

"Besides the fact that my back and neck pain is gone and I'm feeling much  more relaxed and focused, I find it very valuable that I'm feeling motivated to eat well, sleep well, exercise, and take time out for myself.  I was really surprised to learn how much subluxations generally reduce overall nerve function.  Since starting my care, I've been thinking clearer, my body has been functioning better, and I'm feeling stable overall - something I never expected chiropractic to do."

-Hilary B.

Better moods, fewer headaches, less pain

"Since starting chiropractic care, I have less back and neck pain, fewer headaches and more focus at work.  Surprisingly, my moods are more stable.  After adjustments I feel more positive.  I look forward to my appointments."


I can run again!

"I can run without pain.  That is of the most significance to me.  So much that I have registered for, and am going to be running in my first full marathon in October.  Thank you, Dr. Erin!"

-Julie S.

Better Balance and flexibility

"I am almost completely clear of my "inner ear" problem, which plagued me for a long time.  Increased flexibility has expanded my life "outside".  These two changes also improved my outlook & enjoyment of my life, thereby making life more pleasant for my wife.  There is also better range of motion and much less discomfort in my neck and upper back."

-Don B.

Better Posture, Fewer Headaches, no more medication

"I have much less back pain and better posture.  Overall I feel much happier.  At the end of a long day, I no longer have to take ibuprofen to ease the pain in my neck, back, shoulders, and feet.  My headaches went from almost daily to once every two weeks."

-Tracy F.

Better posture, pain relief of back and neck, better mental health

"I have noticed significant improvement in my overall posture and dramatic improvements with my lower back and right knee pain.  Thanks to the nutrition class and the encouraging attitude of Dr. Anderson, I have experienced a renewed motivation to take responsibility for my own health.  I have begun making pro-active life changes which are already bearing fruit. 

My overall sense of physical and mental well-being has improved.  My original expectations were purely physical, but I am learning that my body is inter-connected and my health is inter-connected as a result."

-Suzanne C.

Improved pain levels, more activities

"My back has improved dramatically.  I don't need pain meds like I did.  I am still continuing to see improvement.  I am once again able to perform activities I couldn't perform last year.  This gives me a whole new perspective on life!  I wish to continue improving.  My sleeping has also improved somewhat, which for my improves everything."

-Freda C.

 Better immune systems, fewer headaches, less depressed

"I've had a decrease in my headaches, and an increase in my energy level.  A check of my sick days taken at work - I haven't missed any work due to colds or flu in the past year!  I have stopped taking an anti-depressant without the major side effects that accompanied withdrawal from the medication in the past.  Could there be a connection to my chiro care?  My posture continues to improve, and I feel better about myself.  I use info from the workshops everyday when making choices about activities, eating habits and grocery shopping, self-talk and conversations.  Chiro care has been good for me."

-Nancy S.

Improved numbness, better mobility, fewer aches

"I have more mobility in my low back, shoulders, and neck.  There are not as many headaches and neck aches, the numbness in my arms is reduced, driving and gardening tasks are easier.  I no longer use ibuprofen.  When you have chronic pain you begin to believe that this is your normal state.  With regular chiropractic care and improved health you realize that pain is not a normal state."

-Karen F.

Posteriorly Positioned Baby

"My birth story starts with the midwife telling me that the baby's back was on the right-hand side of my tummy and that he needed to rotate to the left side before he was born.  I went to see Dr. Erin for Webster Technique.  Erin was very gentle and we felt the baby begin to shift and my tummy loosen on the very first visit.  I went back for a few more visits in the weeks leading up to his birth.

On the day of Jeremiah's birth, Erin did the Webster technique around 2 pm.  About an hour later, the contractions started.  The doula came around 3:30 and soon I felt the urge to push and she called my midwife.  At 5:36 out he came. 

My midwife said that he turned 'like a corkscrew' and felt that Erin's adjustments leading up to birth helped him to turn and the result was a three hour labor.  I was lucky enough to have my dream birth, at home and naturally.  I am grateful to Erin for her expertise in the Webster technique."

-Kim H.

Pregnancy Aches and Pains

"Chiropractic has helped ease pregnancy pains and aches especially the ligament and hip pains.  My body is responding extremely quickly and is very accepting of the adjustments."

-Fuschia S.

 Family Chiropractic

"Thanks so much for seeing us through our child-bearing journey."

-Glen, Barbara, and children

Easy and Fast Labor
"I just wanted to thank you for seeing me on Monday.  My contractions became stronger throughout the afternoon and by the time my midwife came to check on my at 5:30pm I was 5cm.  I gave birth in the birthing tub at 9:50pm.  It went SO fast!  I couldn't believe it."

-Lacy H.